Cool Neighbourhoods Inspiration Kick-off Event


Inspiration kick off event in Middelburg, The Netherlands

At this event, you'll have the chance to network, tackling good practices about: solutions to mitigate heat stress, the cost benefit model, SiD methodology and finance options for cooling interventions, Urban Ecosystem-based planning and so on. Listen to inspiring speakers like Nico Tillie from the Technical University of Delft or to Hiltrud Pötz, Director Atelier of GROENBLAUW, well-known from her book: Urban Green-blue grids for resilient cities.
Network with other commun
ity members who are passionate about creating a greener and  neighbourhoods en reducing heatstress. Whether you're a stakeholder, business owner, student, communication advisor or local leader, this event is perfect for anyone looking to make a positive impact in their community.

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